Wednesday, April 21, 2010

update 1.4 under construction

New features:

3 modes:
-Skip lockscreen: Simplest auto unlock
-Hide lockscreen: Wallpaper display during auto unlock
-Disable lockscreen: Every key unlocks

Widget status display - Try this out in the 1.4 test build

More streamlining and enhancement to setup process to make it less restrictive and more clear which options can be changed while myLock is running.

Separate to this the phone mod will be released as a standalone app. Setup answering calls via buttons of choice or onscreen touch button, and enable call touchscreen guard to prevent face dialing if the prox sensor doesn't agree with you.


  1. I like the app, but one feature I would love to see is the ability to have the built in lock work noramally, and have "mylock" take over only when I slide out the keyboard.

  2. We can do it. It can be a mode under the skip lockscreen basic operation - only skip when keyboard slider wakes device
